It's not Always about the destination, sometimes it's more about the journey

This will probably be fairly long and discombobulated.

     Started Monday morning off, by sending kids to school, then grabbing my stuff and heading to West Chester Ohio to meet my trainer and head to New York. Met up with him packed all my stuff into his Kenworth T-680, down the road we go. I knew he was going to teach me a lot...I never knew in the SHORT Week we were training he would change my life. I drove for a little while just so he could see how comfortable I was behind the wheel of a 40 ton vehicle. About 2 hours into the drive, we pulled into a truck stop, and he asked me how I felt. He said something seemed OFF about me, different from what he was expecting. I said " Can I be honest with you?" He said "I hope you can" I said "I honestly don't think I can do this....being away from the family for extended period of time, I long to do this but this is more difficult then I could imagine" We were scheduled to drop off in Port Washington and pick up another load going back to West Chester, he said I can't help you make up your mind but if that is what you want to do, you need to decide NOW, because I will just leave you at the yard in West Chester.  So I had roughly 24 hours to decide if this was A) something I wanted to do and B) something I CAN do. Then it happened, he said, I feel God is wanting me to talk to you. So for the next 2-3 hours, he just talked (what he said isn't important to YOU all, it was between him and I and was LIFE CHANGING) He spoke from the heart, but it wasn't HIS Words, it was GOD Speaking through him. Reminding me WHY I was out there, to better MY life, to better the Family, to provide them with the life they NEED and Deserve. It was NO accident that MY original trainer wasn't available, God did that, he wanted ME to be in his truck for a reason. We got to our destination LATE Monday Early Tuesday morning, we went to bed...I did not sleep Easily, not because I was in an unfamiliar place, or even because I was in a bunk in an Semi 800 miles away from home, it was because what my trainer had said and GOD was speaking to me. He showed me how far I had wondered from him, how much I had Got God OUT of my life and put to much LIFE into my life. He told me to trust his perfect plan, and he would reveal his plan for me in HIS perfect time. When we come to a mountain we can do 2 things, turn away from it or we can climb it. So I chose to climb the mountain, is it going to be a simple walk up a hill? NO, it is going to be a huge mountain, I have to climb, but because mountains AREN'T Smooth, they have rough edges, we can use these as foot holds and hand holds, slowly hand over hand foot over foot, you slowly climb the mountain. Once you set your foot in the hold, you keep putting it in the FOOT HOLD and look up and climb.

Tuesday Morning we got up, and my trainer asked "how are you feeling today?" I said "Actually I feel AMAZING, what ever my issue was last night is gone, I am ready to climb this mountain, I am ready to stick with God on this path, climb the mountain he has set before me, I am not going to be angry about it, anger doesn't do anything to help you climb. I am going to look up, keep a foot hold and climb, It won't be easy, but God will be there by my side, step by step, keeping his hand on my shoulder. I have to FULLY AND COMPLETELY TRUST HIM and Surrender to his will, and trust that what ever he has planned for me, he is for MY Best and For my Family, it won't be in my time, it will be in his time.
We finished the drop, and was suppose to head up the road to pick up a load going to Arizona, when I got to the back of the trailer, there was several pallets still on the truck, so we had to go find warehouse manager and find out what was going on with the pallets. After about 2 hours of running around back and forth between our dispatcher and finally decided we now had to take this load to New Jersey. So we run down the road to the other warehouse. While they where unloading the trailer, we walked around the corner to a small mom and pop restaurant, had a good meal, and got into the truck and down the road we went. The rest of the week we basically ran the I 81 I 40 Corridor, it was pretty much a blur, what we did, but like the title says, it isn't always about the destination, some times it's about the journey. As we where riding up and down the highway, my trainer would pull out his bible, and turn to different places, and read several passages to me, and then we would discuss what I thought they meant and what he thought they meant, and how to apply them in our daily life.

We must choose EVERYDAY To serve God, to humble ourselves daily, we have to serve each other, because we serve an AMAZING Loving ALL KNOWING All Powerful GOD, A MERCIFUL GOD. We have to love each other and Love GOD First as he first loved us. Remember his first and greatest commandment is to Love Our God as he First loved us, then love one another. Every time we walked into a location, whether a drop lot, a truck stop, a customer, he had something positive to say, and made many people smile. I feel we should do the same thing. Every time you see some one, say hello, when you see someone serving you, (Whether it be a cashier at a restaurant, the cashier at the gas station, the janitor cleaning the building ) go OUT Of your way to say "Hey I see you work here, THANK YOU for serving, thank you for coming to work today, you are doing an amazing job THANK YOU" You never know what some one is going through. They may have asked to send them someone to give them a sign that tonight is NOT, the day they are going to die. Maybe that person is you. Be the light in someone's life, be the reason their day goes from meh to Amazing, tip the waitress, tip the bathroom cleaning. Call the manager over and tell them how pleased with you where with the service. Smile, never under estimate the power of a smile.

Sadly my time with my first trainer ended Late Friday evening, and I will meet up with my new trainer Monday Afternoon, in Louisville Kentucky. Although our time was over, I met a GREAT God Loving MAN, who loves his GOD, loves his Family and loves his job, I will never remember the places we stopped at, that isn't important, what is important is I made life long friend, who CHANGED My life, changed my families life. This next 7 weeks is going to go fast, before I know it I will be in my own truck, making my own money, making life better for family. I learned how to make better financial decisions, but I will CHOOSE Everyday to get up in the morning, say my prayers read my bible, SERVE GOD, and try to make ONE Person's day better.

Love one another, serve one another, make TODAY The BEST DAY you have had so far, and tomorrow will be even better.
Is life PERFECT? NO? But YOU can choose to do what you do with the day, when everything in your life seems to be going wrong, you didn't get that promotion you had applied for, you didn't get the job you had applied for, you forgot your lunch at home, you forgot your notes for that presentation you worked so hard on. Are you going to sulk for the next week and have a bad week, or are you going to turn it over to God, remember WHY you are doing what you are doing. Maybe you weren't suppose to have THAT THING Happen. God has brought you "TO THIS TIME IN YOUR LIFE," sometimes you have to wait and TRUST that OUR GOD, has something even MORE Amazing for you, and when it is the RIGHT Time he will reveal His plan for you. Acknowledge that which is making your life miserable for that moment, and then move on. Tomorrow is a NEW DAY, then this will be in the past, never a good idea to dwell on the past, move on, smile and realize this is temporary. How Heavenly Father is Permanent and so is our eternal salvation. When life has been to much to bare, seems like the weight of the world has been dropped onto your shoulders, you are NOT Defeated, God is placing you in the perfect position to remember WHY you are doing what you are doing, Serving God, and making your life better. Easiest way to do that is to PRAY. God is with you ALWAYS, if he doesn't seem near, maybe look at who moved, I promise you it wasn't him.
Spread the word of God to other's around you, if you don't know what to say God said "Be Still and know I am God" He doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the called. Many Many times through out the bible God shows how he gives words to those at the right time, when they need it. I have on many times gone to talk to someone not having a CLUE what to say or how to say, then when I leave them, I look back and go "WHOA where did that come from....OH YEAH GOD did that gave me the words, to give to others. We can not do this alone, we can not do ANY OF THIS ALONE, ONLY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST is ANY of THIS possible.

THANK Someone
BE SAFE Live to drive another day

God Bless
Thanks for Traveling


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