Day 4

August 2
    More Pre-Tripping today, the flow is getting easier, now have to hammer in the wording and make sure it's just right. Don't want to get in front of the examiner and miss anything. Do I expect to be perfect? No, but also don't want to fail because of forgetting something minor or stupid, and I just don't want to commit it to memory, I also want to learn what and why. Spent more time on the range going backwards and now everyone but one has their CDL Permit and he is testing tomorrow. So far I work with a great group of people, who are all doing really well considering we are being trained to take a 40T missile and scoot down the road at a reasonable speed, there is a lot more to this then sticking the nose in the wind and giving it some go go juice, I mean yes we will be in Automatics sure and that is all you do, but there is SO much more responsibility to that. You have to watch your gauges, your trailer to make sure it stays in it's lane, you are driving a vehicle that is 9' wide by 75' long in a lane that is 13' wide so not a whole lot of wiggle room to mess up, and the thing with these big machines is things Rarely go Wrong but when they do, they really go WRONG in a big way. YouTube is FULL of Videos going wrong PDQ with semi's, some of them are pretty funny, while others will make you gasp. Be safe out their people give the big trucks plenty of room, they have BIG WHEELS and BIG BRAKES, and BIG Weight, that means they need BIG Space to stop. The average car now a days weighs about 3200 pounds. We carry that much weight it our fuel tanks. Let's do a comparison a Humpback whale is approximately 60 ft long and weigh up to 40 tons, our Semi's fully loaded with a sleeper cab on it is 75 feet long and weighs 40T or 80,000 pounds, and it's moving at 65-70 mph.
    Working on a lot of going backwards, getting a lot more confident in ally docking, still have a few miss firings but being this only day 4 of school I think we are all doing remarkably well, next week we will work on polishing it as well as driving forward since we have to do that as well. Most of us I believe are going to drive the 10speed tomorrow, ( we have been working mainly with Automatics) just to get the feel of the trucks, how they bend and twist and move, then we will start on the going forward and putting it all together. The CDL Test consists of 4 parts. The Pre-Trip, where you walk through the different engine components making sure everything is Properly Mounted and Secured and if it has air or fluid there or no cracks damage or leaks. Basically it's to make sure the vehicle is safe to operate, you don't want to get this behemoth moving down the road and realize you can't get it to stop moving down the road, then we get to change the road fatality Statistics and possibly the driver's freedom, if they are found in neglect. So learn the material know WHAT we are looking for and WHY we are looking for them. Pre-Trip your truck, check your mirrors often, watch your gauges, MOST IMPORTANTLY BE SAFE...Nothing we haul in these trucks is worth losing any equipment of life over, if you have to slow WAY down for what ever reason to SAFELY get the freight there then SLOW DOWN. You can only go down a hill to fast ONE TIME, but you can ALWAYS go down hill TO SLOW, the only time you should be seeing the back of your trailer is when you are opening the doors NOT while you are driving down a mountain pass.

Be Safe keep the dirty side down and the mirrors on the truck
and Remember God Loves you and there is NOTHING he can't do and NOTHING he can't help you get through. Say your prayers respect your momma and be safe out there.



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