Day 17

Aug 15th

Woke up again at 5:30 am today, not even 100% sure why I bother setting my alarm clock, because the entire time I have been here so far I have awoken before it goes off.  Which is okay gives me time to wake up and enjoy breakfast without rushing, shower, and get into the good word a little more. Got to work this am and was met with a surprise I was not expecting but really appreciated. Two of my classmates said “Hey we read your blog, we didn’t know you were a Christian”!!!! ANYONE ELSE See a Problem with that, they have known me for 3 weeks and didn’t know I was a Christian, they knew I was religious just not to what extent. That’s called God convicting me through others. I know I haven’t been living as I should be for Christ. So I know they read this I won’t mention them by name they know who they are… THANK YOU for helping me open my eyes and realize I wasn’t living CHRIST LIKE. So I know for sure 4 of us are Christians, are we perfect in our walk with Christ? NOPE, but NONE of us are perfect, Romans 3:23-24 says For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. We recognize we aren’t perfect and we must repent daily, turn away from sin and call other’s out of the darkness into the light that is Jesus Christ.  John 14: 6 Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. We won’t receive salvation or sanctification by doing other things like other religions require. We ONLY get that through Christ Alone by His Grace we are saved, and by His Grace will we enter the gates of heaven.

      Got into class and right out to pre-trip, I’m doing these in my sleep now ha, we are pretty proficient it getting through EVERYTHING, even our new student is really moving along, I am really excited that day 3 he was doing things that aren’t normally asked of students until probably the second week, which is amazing. Got into the truck to start backing, Straight line I nailed no issues, Off Set was not as good as it was yesterday, but you are allowed one or two pull ups before you start accruing points, so that was good.  Alley Dock OIY, really struggled with that today the first time I came into tight, so I was able to do a pull up and set it in there perfect. Again on the Alley Dock you get 2 free pull-ups before you start accruing points, in all the backing maneuvers you get 12 points, before you fail, so if you go past your free pull ups you get a point, if you break a “Side wall” you get 2 points, and if you back up to far into the alley dock it’s 10 points. After that we went out to drive, and I got to go first this time. Well let’s say after yesterday I did 110% better, today, which was a confidence booster to help get me out of my head, we all know that’s never a good place to be. After got back we did lunch, went to the terminal for a meeting. Got back and did A LOT better on backing, while I was struggling backing up I got out of the truck walked away and PRAYED, that God would quite my mind and heart. Been thinking a lot about dad and how much I miss him. No surprise it worked and I was able to “pause” thinking about dad for a little while and got through what I needed to do.

     What an amazing God we serve, I have met some wonderful people who I found out are Christians, kind of wish we had found this out about each other earlier in class BUT…ALL in GOD’s Time not ours. Sometimes we as Christians and Humans expect God to answer our prayers NOW. Today in our RIGHT NOW GOTTA HAVE IT RIGHT NOW, instant gratification, we are a microwave society we want it done now, God is a slow cooker, he takes his time and gives us what we need WHEN we NEED it, not when we want it. I have struggled with that for the longest time, I say a prayer and God doesn’t Always answer right away and it also might not be THE answer we want, but we have to humble ourselves and Trust God’s will and timing, then when he reveals his plan, I realize time and time again it was HIS Perfect timing. God is working on 3,000 things in OUR lives however we may only be aware of a few of them.

God does EVERTHING For a reason, and it may not be clear to us at the time we just have to have faith, that it will all work out for the best.

4 Most powerful words in the Bible “IN THE BEGINNING GOD” not man, not the big bang GOD,

John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.             

Thank you for reading

Safe travels



  1. Hey I sent you a friends request on Facebook. Chuck Diesiel is the name. Keep the blog coming I am looking at a career change in a couple of years when I retire from Law Enforcement. Love your biblical commentary. I lost my son May 30 th. He was a Dickson County Deputy murdered by a doper that didn’t want to go back to jail.


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