Day 15

August 13

      What an AMAZING DAY woke up at 0530 took a shower, and had breakfast, did a little bible reading which I need to do MORE of, got to school early, update my DOT LOGS, and went out driving first thing, today wasn't so much about getting the miles in but making turns within the "City" another thing I struggled with at Millis, feeling A TON Better about it now more confident, my instructor told me something the other day that really helped...NO ONE ELSE MATTERS, They are gonna get mad at you for moving slow and taking up a lot of room but they will get around it and get over it, once I realized that controlling the truck SAFELY was far more important then other people driving...We got back to the yard and after struggling Friday with the Alley Dock, I really was worried about it today, but after a great study session of the GOOD BOOK, I prayed about it, got into the truck, did straight back no issues, right sided off set backing NAILED IT, pulled around and set up for the alley dock....NAILED IT, first time, rest of the day hit ALL My maneuvers 100% only had to use the pull up once and we get 2 free ones. Finished off with doing a pre-trip inspection and nailed that 100%. Yes to those of you who have been doing this for years, these are simple maneuvers to do, but I had been struggling a lot last week with ALL OF THIS. Was given some pointers Friday to help, and found out I wasn't stretching it out far enough before starting, so once I pushed it out farther, the set up was easier and backing became easier. Just have to remember small adjustments on the wheel will make that big rig do things, BUT you have to move between 12-15 feet before what you input into the steering wheel affects the trailer AT ALL. Once I figured that all the rest as they say was history. Hoping the rest of the week goes just as well, what a relief it was.

Thank you for traveling with me
Stay safer


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